Maintaining Your Extensions

  • Always use a light leave in detangling spray before brushing and hold your extensions at the base to prevent pulling

    Brush your extensions multiple times a day

    Sleep with your hair in a low pony or braid. Bonus points if you are using a silk pillow case

    Never spray dry shampoo at the base of your extensions

  • Only use professional products!

    We suggest R+Co or the Bellami x Matrix extension line

    Always make sure your hair is detangled before washing

    Blow-dry the base of your extensions immediately after washing or working out

    Invest in a filtered shower head, this will help prevent mineral buildup and discoloration on your hair

  • Only use MINERAL based sunscreen- Chemical based sunscreens will permanently alter the color of your extensions

    Be cautious when applying sunscreen and self tanners and always keep your hair up until they are fully dry

    Put a mixture of tap water and conditioner in a spray bottle and lather your hair before getting in the pool, ocean or lake

    Keep a wet brush and detangler on you at all times when on the boat or at the ocean.